Author Archives: Lucello

Le Perro-truche

Si on était à moitié quelque chose et à moitié quelque chose d’autre, on aurait beaucoup d’avantages qu’on ne pourrait pas avoir si on est seulement une chose. Il y a plusieurs de choses qu’on peut choisir, mais pour moi, je chosis être un créature un peu bizarre, mais il y a beaucoup de choses […]

Journal Entry # 9

We were discussing various hot-topics that the community was frothing over, or just coolly debating, for the purpose of analyzing the different questions one needs to approach or answer when writing an interesting paper. Coming from a family who despises television and rarely finds a newspaper handy, I could not think of a single thing […]

The Firewalk

Through the smoke drifting across the inky black sky, I watched with trepidation mounting, the roaring flames of the great bonfires. Silent, I stared passed the red flames to my cozy bed in my safe home and wished I could be there. The noise of the crowd around me was deafening and brought me back […]

A Cherished Piano

In all of my house there is but one thing that turns this simple dwelling into a home. My beloved piano presides in polished grace at the heart of our family room, drawing the room together in friendship. The warm, cherry finish adds charm and elegance to the prosaic furniture, as well as coziness in […]